Design methodologies

What they are, how they work and where to learn more...

Product teams

Understanding the different roles in product teams and how we can work together.


User personas

Understanding how to create user personas and how they can benefit your design work.


User flows

Understanding how to create user personas and how they can benefit your design work.


User journeys

Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Coming soon...

Testing the product

Coming soon...


Ensuring designs are documented well enough for anyone to pick them up and understand them.

Coming soon...


How to set metrics at the beginning of a project and monitor them throughout.

Coming soon...


Ensuring the devs have everything they need to suceed.

Coming soon...

QA testing

How to set metrics at the beginning of a project and monitor them throughout.

Coming soon...


How to set metrics at the beginning of a project and monitor them throughout.

Coming soon...

Kick off

Ensuring you have everything you need from a business perspective to get going on the designs.

Coming soon...